
Thursday, January 21, 2010

OK Go - This Too Shall Pass

OK Go has released another great video on YouTube. 

Their new video is for the song "This Too Shall Pass."  I don't want to give the video away but I will say it features a marching band with ghillie suits.  That's how I'm going to justify posting about it on my video gamer blog.  Any good game featuring a sniper also features ghillie suits... and the video has ghillie suits.  So there is the link between the two :-)

I think every internet user has already watched their fantastic one-take treadmill video for "Here it Goes Again" ... if you haven't, you need to.  Afterall, it's had nearly 50 MILLION views on YouTube.  Link at the bottom.

If you're looking for my information on earning free gaming and electronics gear from Amazon then go to my post about free stuff from amazon.com

Here are the OK Go YouTube video links: